Sunday, July 27, 2014

As the black velvet curtains pulled apart from one another and went into opposite directions Devin walked onto the stage and went sat at the piano, a crowd of about 300 greeted him with applause and while that was very encouraging his reason for even entering his high school talent show was to reveal his feelings to his best friend. Devin adjusted the mic on the piano then like magic every time his fingers moved gracefully over the keys  his friend Manuel started to tap the drums lightly, Devin began to sing:

To just act like we never were
To come around and not show hurt
How dare we greet by shaking hands
Just months ago I was your man

Verbally we agreed
It was over and we were through
I'm trying to compose myself
But I just can't get over you girl 

Devin listened for his friend Misty to join in to sing Debra cox part of the song but the angelic voice he heard he had only heard one other time and that was last year at Trechial's house, he had snuck through her window as he normally did  but she was in the shower and he could hear her singing 'Why i love you so much' by Monica. Of course in typical Trechial fashion she denied it out of embarrassment but he knew it was her and she sounded exactly like Monica...beautiful yet powerful voice. He looked up to see a beautiful dark brown princess emerge from the shadows, a spotlight was put on her. Her black hair with red highlights was down in spiral curls and held back by a diamond tiara, dark brown eyes shimmered as she slowly made her way to him. The ruby red floor length dress hugged her curvaceous  figure perfectly.
They sang together:

We can't be friends
We can't be friends
We can't be friends
'Cause I'm still in love with you

 Trechial walked over to Devin as she sang. She loved the shocked expression in his beautiful green eyes. His brownish black hair was pulled back in a neat ponytail, his white buttoned up collard shirt with a light blue tie loosely hanging from around his neck and black slacks.

I went by Mother's, saw your car there
To her you're still family, and it don't seem fair
For everyone to just go on
And I've tried and I can't do it
'Cause I'm still torn
I've tried to think of you
As just another love in my past
That didn't last
But it's not that simple baby


They sang the next verse looking into each others eyes.

You may see me staring
Or catch me in a daze
May see me hang my head
When you come my way
Don't get too close to me
And expect me to behave
I might just steal a kiss

Devin leaned in like he was going to kiss her. Trechial smirked.
 If you come near my face
What I'm trying to say

They finished with the chorus and with Devin doing a freestyle on the piano.
The crowd erupted into applause. They stood and walked to the front of the stage hand in hand and took several bows then walked off stage.

After the talent show they both opted out of going to Manny's post after party and decided to go to Kraven's Lookout point for a quiet and long over due conversation. They both lay on top of Devin's white F-150 looking up at the stars dance in the night sky while the full moon watched. "Im not sorry mini." Devin said breaking the silence.
Trechial turned on her side to face him, "For what?" Trechial asked confused.
Devin turned to face her his eyes revealing his motives he placed a hand on the back of her nape while bracing his self up on his elbow, he leaned in, "This..." he whispered. He captured her lips in a tantalizing, wet, and passionate kiss. Devin expected for Trechial to resist and give him a line about 'Not wanting to mess up there friendship' but that wasnt the case this time she pushed Devin down on his back and straddled him not breaking the kiss. WOW! WHAT IN THE HELL!

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